
Programs and Departments

In an effort to present clear and concise objectives, organizations are given the ability to create programs and departments within their homepage. These tools allow users to better manage various volunteer needs their organization’s might have.


What exactly are programs and departments?

Programs are specific services offered among an organization’s volunteer operations. These are viewable to the public and allow prospective volunteers the opportunity to manually match-up their skills with an organization’s needs. Examples include food service, tutoring, thrift stores, etc.

Departments are solely internal catalog tools for organizations. They are utilized to group similar volunteer opportunities together and are not published to the public. Use them for administration use among your volunteer operations. Examples include public relations, fundraising, events, etc.

Create a Program: Written Instruction

  • Visit the organization’s homepage icon and scroll down to the “Programs” and “Departments” graphics. These icons are located at the bottom of the dashboard
  • Click the plus sign in the “Programs” graphic and fill out the requested information. Make sure to be detailed in the program’s description and always add a logo (150x100 pixels) to each respective program.
  • Program logos may be inserted by dragging the photo over the red box, or by selecting the red box first. Then selecting the logo file from the pop up menu.
  • Choose a program name that best describes the service or activity your organization offers. Multiple programs can be offered at one time.
  • The “Program Description” needs to accurately portray the activities and skills required for that specific program.
  • Once completed select “Save Program” to go back to the homepage, or select “Save and Add New” to add multiple programs.

Create a Department: Written Instruction

  • Visit the organization’s homepage icon and scroll down to the “Programs” and “Departments” graphics. These icons are located at the bottom of the dashboard.
  • Click the plus sign in the “Departments” graphic and fill out the requested information. Be as detailed as you wish in the department’s description box. “Departments” can be found next to “Programs” at the bottom of the dashboard page.
  • The “Department” feature allows organizations the ability to organize departments within their volunteer operations.
  • This feature is for internal administration use, so the description can be whatever makes most sense for your organization.
  • Once completed hit “Save Department” to go back to the homepage, or add multiple departments by selecting “Save and add new.”

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