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Dartmouth United Outreach
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Dartmouth United Outreach is a grassroots organization that started on 3/25/2020 to assist those most in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a very short period, we have built an infrastructure to help receive, clean, sort, store, assemble and deliver to the local community food staples, paper goods, and meal kits.
Every step of the way, we are engaged in mandatory safety protocols to make sure our volunteers are safe, products are sanitized and delivery protocols are followed to protect recipients.
We are in need of volunteers, and money to help buy food staples and paper goods. We are working with local housing authorities, councils on aging, regional agencies to help the most vulnerable. At-risk senior citizens, the disabled, shut-ins, veterans, and families that are struggling to put food on the table.
We are also deeply concerned about the health and well-being of our front line hospital workers. If they go down, we all go down. We need to try to ease their burdens outside of the hospital and get them home to rest and stay healthy. We are working on providing Stop & Go pick up of food staples and paper goods, organizing ways to help them make sure aging parents have food, paper products, and if we can get enough volunteers we can expand grocery shopping for the front-line and delivery. We need to keep them rested, out of stores because of potential exposer to COVID-19, and ease the burden trying to take care of their extended family. This is a HUGE undertaking. We need to pull it all together now.
We are currently providing food staples and paper goods. We will soon be adding family meal kits, drive-by Grab & Go pick up, and pop up remote food pantries.
The time to act is NOW! Locally, we are at the beginning of the storm, we need to ramp this up yesterday to weather its fury.
Volunteers and your donations are needed now!
If we are going to help, we will need a lot more volunteers, food staples and paper goods to support these initiatives.
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